About Us
Sule the Proverb Detective popped up in my head one morning as I was walking around a track in Los Angeles, CA. I was thinking about my former students at Frederick Douglass High School in Atlanta, Georgia, and how they declared themselves "Proverb Slayers" during our reading of Chinua Acebe's Things Fall Apart.

Sule demanded to be seen and heard, so I initially wrote an unpublished picture book that I adapted into a short film - Sule and the case of the Tiny Sparks with funding from the Tribeca All Access/Mandela Day Award.

It was then that I learned parents of Black boys had no educational content for their sons. Meaning, the preschool shows didn't feature Black boys. I also learned that preschool learning impacts future success and when kids closely identify with characters, leaning increases.

So, I've been pitching Sule the Proverb Detective as a TV show for years, and I will continue to do so. I will also continue to develop as much fun, engaging educational content as I can because representation for Black boys doesn't just matter; it's a must.

I won't give up!

And this is me HAPPY that I'm able to make this happen!